There are a couple things to know about the site beyond it’s origins (The Beginning) and the results of Jim’s letters to Thelly (The Legacy.)

The site was launched with the first five letters. Others will be added week by week until all 54 have been posted.

For each letter, you’ll find a text version (Letters) and an image version from scans of the letters (Letter Scans.) Within each version of a letter, you’ll find links to the other version of that letter. In other words, in the text version you’ll find a link to the scans, and vice versa.

In the text versions, I’ve done my best to copy word-for-word what Jim wrote in the letters – his writing is sometimes hard to decipher – without editing out any mistakes in grammar, punctuation or spelling. I also tried to keep in underlines, cross-outs etc.

The homepage is organized by the most recent post at the top. But if you want to read the letters in the order they were written, they are organized that way on the section pages, The Letters and Letter Scans. You can find links to these pages on the right side of every page.

Along with the letter pages, there will be an occasional Random Thoughts post based on things written in the letters. There’s a link to a section for all these posts on the right side of the page.

Please feel free to email directly – – if you have any other questions about the site.

Bruce McLean