Letter 25 – Feb. 18, 1948

“Gee, I miss having you around to make life interesting. By rights, I shouldn’t go home. It just makes matters worse, but try and keep me away. It’s like trying to stay away from your own funeral. It just isn’t possible.”

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Letter 24 – Feb. 16, 1948

“I’m sorry I didn’t write last night, but I was tired and I wanted to go to bed. I thought of you all the way down to this old room and I even dreamt of you. Nothing very exciting though, you were just with me in my dream. That’s enough anyway.

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Letter 23 – Feb. 3, 1948

“Goodnite, baby. I wish you were here cause I could use a little female companionship right about now. (As long as its you of course.) I guess I finished this after all, thats because I want to talk to the one I love as long as possible even if she can’t talk to me.”

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Letter 22 – Feb. 1, 1948

“I didn’t tell you that you looked very nice last night, did I? Well, you did and I’m sorry I didn’t mention it while I was with you because I very seldom give compliments and when I do I like to say them in person. “

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