Letter 22 – Feb. 1, 1948

“I didn’t tell you that you looked very nice last night, did I? Well, you did and I’m sorry I didn’t mention it while I was with you because I very seldom give compliments and when I do I like to say them in person. “

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Letter 23 – Feb. 3, 1948

“Goodnite, baby. I wish you were here cause I could use a little female companionship right about now. (As long as its you of course.) I guess I finished this after all, thats because I want to talk to the one I love as long as possible even if she can’t talk to me.”

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Letter 24 – Feb. 16, 1948

“I’m sorry I didn’t write last night, but I was tired and I wanted to go to bed. I thought of you all the way down to this old room and I even dreamt of you. Nothing very exciting though, you were just with me in my dream. That’s enough anyway.

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Letter 25 – Feb. 18, 1948

“Gee, I miss having you around to make life interesting. By rights, I shouldn’t go home. It just makes matters worse, but try and keep me away. It’s like trying to stay away from your own funeral. It just isn’t possible.”

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Letter 26 – Feb. 23, 1948

“Can you think of anything to say besides “I love you”. I can’t but it seems rather silly to just write that over again & again. I can say it once and put all I have into it. The rest of them would just be echoes to keep you from forgetting it.”

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Letter 29 – March 3, 1948

“Come to think of it the letters are what you might call a record of our acquantance. They begin just casually and then become more and more ‘friendly’. It’s very interesting to see how it developed into our ‘mutual feeling of affection of the present.'”

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