Letter 11 – Dec. 9, 1947

“You know, I’m kind of foolish. I see you every weekend but I write to you twice a week anyway. You’d think that I hadn’t seen you for 2 months or something. Oh well, it gives me something to do. Just as if I didn’t have any studying.”

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Letter 12 – Dec. 15, 1947

“Wish I could think of something to say but I’m all out of conversation except the private kind which I don’t like to have you know just yet (I’ll let you guess) But please don’t jump to conclusions like you did Sat. night. You know what I mean, you said the reason I went out with you was for the X’s I got out of it. “

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Letter 14 – Jan. 6, 1948

“Did you get up for school Monday morning?  I hope you did cause if you didn’t your mother probably gave you h- – -. I’m beginning to think she’s not going to like me if I keep it up. Making you stay out so late and making a physical wreck out of you. Tell her forgive me.”

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Letter 15 – Jan. 13, 1948

“Did you kick me out early enough last Sat. nite. I hope so, but I really hated to go as you may have noticed. I wonder if you felt the same way I did. When I got home, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I felt slightly lost, dazed or something. Such a time!”

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Letter 16 – Jan. 13-14, 1948

“I did something very interesting this afternoon. I took out all your letters and began at the beginning and started reading them. It seems I made rapid progress in our getting acquainted period. Your first letter was just small talk but between your first and second letters I had my first date with you. That didn’t take very long did it. Then the next couple letters included insults, broken resolves, apples, lobsters and the beginning of a few more specific affectionate – – – er – – tones. We make an awfully charming couple if our letters indicate anything.”

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Letter 17 – Jan. 18, 1948

“Heck, I don’t know what the matter is with me. I don’t know whether you realize it or not but this is getting more and more serious. At least I think so and I hope you do. Things are beginning to creep up on us. I don’t mean what you think I mean, either. I don’t mean only the physical aspects, but mainly the little four letter word.”

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Letter 18 – Jan. 21, 1948

“I should be studying my Trig for a test tomorrow too, but as usual you are in the way. But then its the right way as far as I’m concerned. I’d much rather write to you than study. Darn you! You always get me started on some affectionate talk even if I’m in a bad mood. I wish I could go for a walk with you right now. I think I’d feel much better.”

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