Letter 1 – Oct 8, 1947

“Hi beautiful,
I’m going to write a letter for only two reasons. 1) Because I have nothing better to do, and 2) to let you know that I still am going to give you my picture. I know (?) you won’t hold my insults against me. Besides, I can’t let Tom get ahead of me writing to girls, you in particular.”

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Letter 2 – Oct. 14, 1947

“You asked me if I went to all the games. I have so far and I intend to see all of them if possible. I just go because if I do I might see you. (That’s my confession) Now I know what you’ll say. Such a line. Well, as I said before that all depends on how you look at it. I’ll let it go at that.”

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Letter 5 – Nov. 9, 1947

“Just got an inspiration, my picture. I get so wrapped up in you I keep forgetting it. I have and idea. If I see you Friday night, (I hope), remind me to bring my picture when I see you Sat. night. Providing I make a date with you that is, but I don’t have a hell of a lot of doubt in my mind about that.”

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Letter 6 – Nov. 17, 1947

“I’ve been over doing my mechanical drawing tonight. It’s a funny thing, but every time I drew a curve, I thought of you. Strange isn’t it? (Oh, I don’t know about that.) Pardon the vulgarity but it was a good joke, anyway.”

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Letter 7 – Nov. 22, 1947

“I kind of miss a certain friend of mine, you know, its kind of surprising, the moods I get in when I begin to feel that I’m getting lonesome for a girl. Not mentioning any names, of course. Well, I just wanted to write you before I went to bed. It’s funny to listen to the radio music on a Sat. night with all kinds of lights on and sitting here with my roommate. I’d much rather be with you.”

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Letter 9 – Dec. 3, 1947

“I wonder why your mother wants you in at 12? I can’t imagine why. I never kept you out late. Oh well, I’ve been expecting that to happen anyway because it has been pretty late. From now on it shall be 12 on the dot. Hmm, that doesn’t sound so good does it. It cuts out at least an hour on every date.”

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Letter 10 – Dec. 8, 1947

“I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for being such a wonderful partner at the dance the other night. I couldn’t ask for anyone better. In fact, I’ve been giving serious thought the question and have decided to ask you for a date next Sat. night. Would you do me the pleasure of accepting? It would please me very much if you would.”

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