Letter 31 – March 10, 1948

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I got out of class a little early today so I thought I’d get started on a letter. I decided againse using the typewriter because I haven’t much time between classes.

I got your letter yesterday. Pretty good for a beginner. I’m glad that you thought you could tell me what you wanted to even if I wasn’t there. It means that there is still hope. I wish you would tell me ’cause I’d like to know what’s going on in your cute little nut. By the way I forgot to mention your average to you when I was home. It looked pretty darn good to me for a girl who doesn’t study when boys are around. Besides even with the fact that you didn’t work (Ha) you got a very good average. I think. You shouldn’t kick. [?] The time has come for my next class so I’ll stop for now. X marks the spot where I wish I could kiss you goodbye.
goodbye x.


Hi darling,

I’m back again, this time with my friend and constant companion. (I forgot to set the margin) Ihavent (hm-m) I haven8 (damn). I haven’t much studing to do tonite so I thought that I’d use this. As you may have noticed, I have given up the hunt and peck system and am trying to type the correct way. It seems a little slower now but I think that I can eventually get little more speed that way.

I’ll also be glad when the dances start again, ’cause I just love to dance with you. Just to hold you in my arms when dancing makes me the happiest person on earth. (sometimes I surprise myself) Of course I also like to dance with other girls but natch you are the only one that I really fell differently about. Tsk, tsk, what a way for a little boy to talk. You’d think I was in love by the way I talk wouldn’t you? I never thought about that beforennow. What a laugh that is. I’ve been thinking about that since Christmas vacation. Also if my memory doesn’t fail me I have mentioned the subject to you occasionally too. Enough of that!

Has your boyfriend written you again? (pardon me while I eat.) Back again, full of hot dog and soda pop (orange, to be exact) I was awfully hungry, I still am for certain things, namely you. Back on the same subject again, can’t seem to get away from it tonite. I’ll try again.

You know you get a much longer letter when Itype it than you do when Iwrite it? It my look like h— as far as typeing is concerned (such spelling) but you really get more for your money. Heck it’s only taken me about fifty minutes to write this far.That must be at least ten words a minute since I spent about ten or fifteen of those minutes eating and talking to the boys. I’m just good that’s all. There is no other explanation for it, is there? Sheer genius that’s what it is. While I’m on the subject I got a rank today, my Phisics prelim that I took yesterday. I got 76!Terrible isn’t it. I guess I’ll have to study a little harder. In fact I may stay here for a few week-ends if I have to ’cause I can’thave those ranks all the time.

Well, it’s time to close so I guess I’d better close now while I still have the room.Goodnite little one I love you very much in fact too much for my own good I think. Give my love to junior and give him a pat on the head and a kiss for me. I only wish that I could be home to tell you that I love you but I can’t. I’ll probably be home this week-end and I’ll call you Fr. nite about suppertime, I guess.

Goodnite, I love you, Jim

[Written] Went of the roll. x’s Jim

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