Letter 30 – March 7, 1948

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March 7, 1948
7:15 P.M.

X’s for Junior

Hi darling,

How’s every little thing with you? I told you I’d write to you on this thing. Ibet you didn’t believe me, did you? How long I write on it is another matter.

Did you go to the movies tonite? I may go here if I get my studing done in time. Tom just came down and wants me to go with him at seven-thirty so I gess I will. The movie is “Tycoon” or some such name. Supposed to be pretty good, so I hear.

It’s lovely out right now. The snow is all wet and sticky, just right for snowballs.
I wish I was home with tou tonight ’cause I’d love to have a snowball fight with you. That’s another one of your attractions, Ican beat you up and you don’d seem to mind. (Ha) Seriously though, did you know that you are a very attractive girl? I do, and I love you just the same.

On looking back over this thing I see that I have skipped a few spaces. Please forgive me I’m just begining, you know. Also I seem to misspell more words this way. It must be because I take so long to write one word Oh well, practice makes perfect so they say.

It’s almost time for Tom to come so I guess I’d better shut this thing off, or don’t you think so? Should I put a space between the last letter and the question mark ?I can’t tell which looks the best. Well here’s Tom so I’d better go . love and kisses I’ll be back latter. xx

Just got back from the movies. Pretty good too. Did you know that I still haven’t done my studying yet? I’m debating wether to finish this now or to not send it until tomorrow. I really have to study now .

Sorry this is’nt any langer but I just can’t put off my studies any longer.Please don’t let the brevity of this thing make you think that I lo ve you less, ’cause I do love you very much I love you more and more all the time. (darn) In fact I’m getting a little worried about it. I hop you understand what I mean, do you honey?

Well, goodnite, darling I love you very much,


[Hand written]
Ah, back to my native tongue again. I just wanted to tell you that I love you in my own writing “kiddo”. I love you, so there. torture me if you must but I still do. Write soon, will you please?

Love & kisses

PS. I just went over this thing. I’m a stinking typist, aren’t I. I guess you’ll have to do the typing in the family.


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