Letter 28 – March 1, 1948

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March 1, 1948

Mon. 5:30 PM

X’s for junior

Hi Honey, 

How’s every little thing? I’m sorry I didn’t write last night, but I really was tired when I finished studying. It’s supper time now but I just thought I’d drop in to say howdy. Howdy.

Did you go to the movies last night? I wish I could have stayed home and gone with you. I suppose that I should put business before pleasure once in a while. Anyway, I’ll be home Friday. If you’re a good little girl and you write to me I’ll call you up Friday and I might possibly get a date with you. If someone else hasn’t beat me to it that is.

Hi again beautiful. I’ve just come back from the movies. It was “Call Northside 777” with Jim Stewart. Pretty good. I didn’t have much studying for a change. 

I got a theme back today with a B-, the first theme I wrote this semester too. (Probably the last, also.) Ah, well, that’s 1 B per semester in my themes. Terrific, huh.

Gosh it’s ten to eleven already. My how the time does fly.

Is anything going on this weekend? There’s a good dance Thursday, huh? Well, dance one for me if You go (As if you wouldn’t go, that is.) Oh yes, if any or all my girlfriends are there get a kiss from them and then you can give them to me when I get home. (Any excuse you know.) Just don’t collect too many from your boyfriends, it might smudge you lipstick, and I wouldn’t want that to happen. (What a subtle way of expressing myself, psychology, that’s what it is.)

Nates father went to Boston this week and left him the car here so I may get a ride to Lewiston Friday. That will be a good start anyway. I wish I had a car down here, but I’ve got no bucks [?] coming, I guess. 

I wonder if I should start another page. Well, I’ll try but I’m not promising much. I’m not the most informative writer in the world. In fact, I’ve run out of conversation already. Disgusting isn’t it. 

Did you notice that I have kept away from the subject. I’m just experimenting a little, seeing how long I can go without letting myself get over-emotional (whew) again. In my letters, that is, not at home. 

I went to see Mary before I came back here Sunday. She just the same as she always was, in talking etc. that is. I really don’t see how she does it. She hasn’t even got enough flesh on her for them to stick a needle into. I’m not kidding, either. I wish there were something that could be done for her but I guess she’ll have to fight it out herself. I never knew T.B. was like that. Most of the people I know that have had it just went away for a while and then got better. Since I’ve been over to see Mary in the last 10 months nobody in her section has lived that stayed there very long after they entered the hospital. 

She’s in the section where all the bad cases are taken. It’s not the best atmosphere for her. She can’t help but wonder about herself I suppose, although she never seems to worry about not getting better. Anyway she’s fooled all the doctors so far. I hope that she can keep it up. I guess that’s enough of that. Please don’t mind the talk. I just wanted to get it out of my system more or less. It seems so unfair. Just please don’t tell people how bad she is. I shouldn’t tell you I suppose but then, I have to talk to someone. Enough.

It’s 11:30 now so I’d better close, I guess. I hope I get a letter from you tomorrow even if I didn’t write till today. Maybe the length of this will make up a little but it isn’t the pleasentest letter I suppose. Oh well my moods, I guess. I miss you very much tonight for some reason honey. I wish I could talk with you and go for a walk or something. I’m in that kind of a mood. I love you very much, darling, more than this paper or pen can say. 


P.S. I’d like to repeat myself if I may; I love you so very much darling.