Letter 26 – Feb. 23, 1948

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It’s a shame to leave this space empty but I can’t think of anything to fill it up with. 

Feb 23, 1948

10:30 P.M.

Hellow Little One,

I’m back again. Your pen pal to the very end. I’m just writing this so that I can catch up to your boyfriend (ex- that is). As far as I’m concerned, though, one of my letters is far better than 100 of any other boys, so you had better save them. When I become famous, (as I understandably will) they may be worth money, if you care to bare my innermost passions for the benefit of society and a few paltry bucks ($).

Ah well, such is life (and punctuation), I guess I can’t help it if I’m conceited. With such a wonderful girl as you are who loves me, who wouldn’t be conceited? (Self-Justification) That’s not meant as a wisecrack, either. Enough!

I’ve got my studying done so I can just dream over this letter (Reverie) and listen to music on “mon petite” radio. I wonder if I should take a shower or just go to bed. (Decision) Don’t mind the little remarks, I’m just learning English the right way – By experiment. 

I forgot to ask you who you were playing Friday. I guess you’ll just have to write me another letter to tell me. Let me see – – – I’ll expect it about Friday at 10:50 A.M. O.K.?

Do you know its 11:20 now? I’ve just been sitting here listening to music, news and thinking of you all at the same time. Impossible? That’s what you think. The news and music serve as background, of course. 

Can you think of anything to say besides “I love you”. I can’t but it seems rather silly to just write that over again & again. I can say it once and put all I have into it. The rest of them would just be echoes to keep you from forgetting it. As I read this last paragraph over it seems to be a little mixed up. Oh well, you know what I mean, if you don’t I’ll tell you later. 

Time to turn in so I’ll see you Friday. I’ll write again when I get your letter Wed. 

Goodnite darlin’, give “Junior” a pat on the head for me (Ouch, OK, I’ll be good.) Goodnite little one, I love you – – – Oops.

[Drawn musical notes] There, I’ve Said It Again,
