Letter 25 – Feb. 18, 1948

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Hi Sweetheart,

Hows every little thing in the big city of Rumford these days. All in good order, I hope. 

I had to buy some new stationary and this is all they had so I bought it. What a robbery $1 for 20 envelopes and about 40 sheets. Oh, well anything so that I may write to you.

There’s nothing interesting to report around here. Ranks are coming out tomorrow so I’ll soon know if I made it or not (Deans list, that is.)

I went to the movies tonite and am suffering the consequences now. More damn work piles up in a few hours around here. The picture was good though; “Escape Me Never” with Ida Lupino, Erroll Flynn (such spelling.) I think we saw its previews Sunday. Please excuse the poor writing and spelling. Whenever I get tired or write too much I get all mixed up and try to hurry. 

They’re showing us a required movie out here tomorrow. “Boomerang.” Ever heard of it? We have to write a theme on it Friday.

I hear we got beaten last night by Edward Little, by 2 points too. What’s the matter, can’t you cheer them up a couple more points to win the game? Tsk, tsk, I’m ashamed of you. 

This is going to be a short letter. I’m sorry sweetheart but I’m really very busy. I shouldn’t have gone to the movies tonite. I also realize that I owe you an extra letter. I’ll make it up sometime.

Gee, I miss having you around to make life interesting. By rights, I shouldn’t go home. It just makes matters worse, but try and keep me away. It’s like trying to stay away from your own funeral. It just isn’t possible. I wonder why. Well my paper and presence of mind are running out so I’ll close. I love you very much, Thelma. 


P.S. Still don’t know whether it will be Fri. or Sat. before I see you. I love you (is that monotonous? ha) Love Jim.