Letter 23 – Feb. 3, 1948

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Tuesday nite 11:37

Hi You, – Sweet thing

Got your letter today – – – very, very, nice. I’ll see if I can be as nice some time. There is only one thing that bothered me. That was the statement “Practically all I’ve got” (love that is). I’m selfish, I want all of it, but then that gives me something to work for and I’m kind of glad. It makes things always going ahead. 

Did you notice that extra heading Nate put on. [Sweet thing] He put it on before I started the letter so he didn’t read it. He wouldn’t anyway.

By the way, he wrote a letter to you tonight, supposidly to thank you for the fudge but I have reason to believe that he wrote a few other things on it to. If he did just don’t take anything to serious until you ask me about it. I don’t know what he wrote. Something good or bad. 

It’s 12 now and I’ve only gone this far. I’m afraid I’ll make this one a little short. I’ve had 5 of my tests now. Only three left. Some of the five were pretty tough. I hope I did well on them but I have my doubts. Chem + Trig tomorrow. That Chem. ugh, it’s going to be wicked. Trig isn’t going to be any cinch either I guess. 

They gave us the registration schedule yesterday. I have to be back here a week from Wed. at 10:30 to register. I don’t know whether to leave Tuesday or Wed. morning. I’d like to stay Tuesday night if I could get back here Wed. One more night means a lot to me. I suppose you should study on school nights though. (I bet I’ll see you just the same)

Well, honey, my chatter is running low and so are my eyelids so I think I’ll tell you I love you and close the letter. I hope you won the Mex game tonight. 

Be good and I’ll call you Thursday night if possible. I guess it will be around 8 again.

Goodnite, baby. I wish you were here cause I could use a little female companionship right about now. (As long as its you of course.) I guess I finished this after all, thats because I want to talk to the one I love as long as possible even if she can’t talk to me. I’m having a hard time to even say goodbye in a letter cause I love you so much I don’t want to stop talking, (there!)


Love Jim