Letter 16 – Jan. 13-14, 1948

“I did something very interesting this afternoon. I took out all your letters and began at the beginning and started reading them. It seems I made rapid progress in our getting acquainted period. Your first letter was just small talk but between your first and second letters I had my first date with you. That didn’t take very long did it. Then the next couple letters included insults, broken resolves, apples, lobsters and the beginning of a few more specific affectionate – – – er – – tones. We make an awfully charming couple if our letters indicate anything.”

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Letter 15 – Jan. 13, 1948

“Did you kick me out early enough last Sat. nite. I hope so, but I really hated to go as you may have noticed. I wonder if you felt the same way I did. When I got home, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I felt slightly lost, dazed or something. Such a time!”

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Letter 14 – Jan. 6, 1948

“Did you get up for school Monday morning?  I hope you did cause if you didn’t your mother probably gave you h- – -. I’m beginning to think she’s not going to like me if I keep it up. Making you stay out so late and making a physical wreck out of you. Tell her forgive me.”

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