Letter 21 – Jan. 28, 1948

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Jan. 28, 1948

Good Evening,

It is now way after eleven. I went to bed early (10:30) but I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d write a letter to let you know how the world is getting along. 

I don’t know what to write to you now. I just felt kind of ambitious and besides the real reason is to tell you I love you very much. I guess you know that anyway but I just felt like writing it to you. It’s funny how I get that way sometimes. I wish I could describe how I feel, its a combination of everything nice, mixed with loneliness because I can’t be near or with you right now. 

Anyway, it’s something new to me I can tell you that. I guess it must be that puppy love we were speaking about. (ha)

I wish I could get off this subject but I don’t feel conversational tonight, just [drawn spiral] – that way. I hope you understand. I guess I’ll go to bed now. I’ve told you that I loved you now get out, to coin a phrase. I’ll see you Friday night, I guess. I hope so because I really should stay here but you seem to be something like a magnet and I am not educated enough to know how to resist magnetic forces from the magnet. See you later (tonight, if you get this when I think you will.)

Nite darling, I love you very much, too much,

Love Jim

P.S. Can’t get away from it, can I? Who wants to.