Letter 19 – Jan. 25, 1948

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Sun. Jan 25, 1948

Hi beautiful,

As you can see, I’m not studying my Chemistry for the prelim like I should. You talk about my influence on you! Ha, you should see what you do to me. I love Chemistry but I’ll let you guess who gets the preference. 

I’m lonesome again. Darn you, its getting worser & worser and I love you morer and morer, (to put it into plain english.)

I wish you were around tonight. There is a nice full moon and I love you too much to just look at the moon and think of astronomy. You can see that I’m slowly going crazy. (About you, that is) Honest this thing is getting me down. The more I think the less I study and the less I study the more I think: therefore you are begining (?) to dominate my thoughts, in fact, I’d say that you have just about ruined them. You know that song Body and Soul. Well, no matter which part I think about I seem to get into hot water. (so to speak)

I hope you send me that fudge. Nate [?] says he won’t let me come home anymore unless you send some. I’ll need it too, for internal support when I take my Physics film. Your letter will be my mental support. 

Please tell me whats going on Friday nite so I’ll know whether I’ll see you or not.

I went to the movies tonight. It was “Good News” with June Allison(?) and some other jerk. The music was pretty good but the picture itself was kind of foolish but entertaining I suppose.  

It’s after eleven now so I guess I won’t study that Chem. If I flunk it I’ll blame it on you O.K.?

Someone told me that Mexico [Maine] isn’t going with you on the Wash. trip. They said so many were signed up that they are going by themselves. I could say I hope so but I think I’ll say I trust you anyway instead. I’ll have to start sometime.

I’ve really got to close now so at least I’ll have a clear head tomorrow even if I don’t know my Chem.

Goodnite, sweetheart, and don’t forget to write as soon as you get this. I’ll write you when I get yours. I like my letters on Thurs. better than Friday. I can plan better. Be good, darling, I love you


P.S. I know what you meant by being afraid. Love, love and more love. Jim