Letter 18 – Jan. 21, 1948

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Wed. Jan 21, 1948

Guess Who


I won’t be so affectionate in this letter. I think my last letter was enough for the week. Besides, I’m in a bad mood.

I got your letter Tuesday morning. I expected one today since you said you would write another Mon. nite, but nothing came. Well, maybe tomorrow.

I see that you beat Lewiston by 1 point Sat. night. Pretty good! It must have been a swell game. I hope you were a good little girl and cheered like hell — period. I hope you know what I mean. 

I don’t know what you will be doing Friday nite. I hope you tell me in your letter because I’m selfish and want to see you some more. I guess I can find you alright unless you go to the game and I don’t. I’m not sure what will be going on or where you or I will be. Oh well, such is life. I’ll see you Sat. anyway.

I’ve been up in the drawing room since 6:30 it was 10:45 when I went out. Grrrr. I finished all my drawing and was lettering it when I blotted a big spot of ink on it. I don’t know whether I’ll do it all over again or take the bad rank. I think I’ll take a bad rank. I’m sick of doing that @&%$ drawing. If I stayed here over the weekend like I should I could do it over and also study for Chemistry prelim on Monday. But, I suppose I’ll go home unless too much work piles up. 

I should be studying my Trig for a test tomorrow too, but as usual you are in the way. But then its the right way as far as I’m concerned. I’d much rather write to you than study. 

Darn you! You always get me started on some affectionate talk even if I’m in a bad mood. I wish I could go for a walk with you right now. I think I’d feel much better.

I got back another theme today. I had 7 punctuation errors, you know, forget to put in an apostrophe, comma, etc. At the end of it he said that I brought up some very good points and gave me a C+. I’d like to know how to get into the B bracket around here. Oh well, maybe my themes aren’t very good, but they seem excellent to me. Maybe I’m prejudiced, huh?

Heck, it snowed all day here then turned to rain about 5 o’clock. Now its all icy crust all over the place. What a life!

Please forgive me if this letter doesn’t seem cheerful but I may as well get the bad moods here and be full of a love and kisses mood when I get home. (Maybe not that mood but at least a good one, huh?)

I hope I get a nice letter from you tomorrow. I need it. I’ll see you Friday or Sat. I guess unless I can’t come home. 

Goodnite beautiful, be good,


P.S. I may not say it this time but I still mean it. I hope you understand, Love, Jim (oops) I slipped.