Letter 17 – Jan. 18, 1948

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Sun. nite 11-18

I’m getting worse as you will see after reading this.

Hi darling,

I know I shouldn’t begin that way but that’s the way I feel. I went to the movies tonite. It was “Body and Soul” the same as at home. I sat there and wished I were home with you all night. I miss you already. Can you imagine that! The picture was good too. Heck, I don’t know what the matter is with me. I don’t know whether you realize it or not but this is getting more and more serious. At least I think so and I hope you do. Things are beginning to creep up on us. I don’t mean what you think I mean, either. I don’t mean only the physical aspects, but mainly the little four letter word. As you can see this is getting all mixed up so I’ll shut up. I’ve said too much already.

I haven’t done any studying yet and its after eleven, but I just wanted to write to you. You may read this and think I’m being silly but I hope not ‘cause it isn’t anything that is funny or silly to me. Oh heck, I guess I’d better change the subject altogether.

Are you going to the game at Lewiston Friday night. Please write and tell me the day you get this because I want to know what goes on. If you go I want to see you there or something. I wish I knew of some way to get a ride home after the game, (if you go) preferably with you. MacDonald may be able to have Hoppy drive down with his fathers car. It doesn’t look to promising though. Got andy good ideas? If you have I’ll be glad to listen. I can’t even right good tonite. I hope you can read this. 

I met Lorraine Canders at the Lewiston Bus station today. She’s working in Boston and was headed back. She looked pretty good, better than she did in school. (Better dressed that is.) I’m just making conversation now as you have guessed. 

I wish I could think of something to say except what should be said and not written. 

Don’t forget you owe me an eight page letter. It doesn’t necessarily have to come this week but I want one sometime. A nice one. 

Please answer this when you get it please. Damn I can’t even thing straight. I hope I calm down before tomorrow or I’ll be no good at all. 

Don’t forget about the game sweetheart. Tell me what cooks.[?] I wish I could see you Friday nite as well as Sat.

Well its 25 to 12 now so goodnite, darling. I love you very much, and that ain’t no song title. 
