Letter 16 – Jan. 13-14, 1948

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Tuesday Jan 13, 1948

Hello again,

I seem to be getting in a rut, writing to you two days in a row. I won’t finish this tonight though. I’ll finish it tomorrow nite if I get a letter from you.

I really haven’t a thing to write about. I just feel like talking to you and this is the closest to it that I can get. I hope you give me something to talk about in your letter.

Tom tells me he wrote 7 pages to you, most of it explaining about what I said about him in last weeks epistle of affection and generalities. That shows you what a guilty conscience he has. 

My, my, the second page. 

I suppose I could begin to elaborate on what state my emotions are in right now, but I guess it would waste too much paper. 

I did something very interesting this afternoon. I took out all your letters and began at the beginning and started reading them. It seems I made rapid progress in our getting acquainted period. Your first letter was just small talk but between your first and second letters I had my first date with you. That didn’t take very long did it. Then the next couple letters included insults, broken resolves, apples, lobsters and the beginning of a few more specific affectionate – – – er – – tones. Oh yes, shorthand seems to have entered a few times too. More damn fun. We make an awfully charming couple if our letters indicate anything. I didn’t read many letters, about the first four I guess. The classes interrupted me. I got a kick out of what I read though. I’m going to finish reading them sometime soon. Oh yes, I read that letter this [drawing of letter] long, all about the letter you wrote explaining questions and answers but that you didn’t send. You said you were very anxious to talk to me about them but I guess we never did. When I see you this weekend please tell me what that letter said. I’d really like to know.

I did a funny thing tonight. I went over to mechanical drawing to catch up on a little work. I had to date one of the finished drawings so I took my wallet to look at the calendar in it. Then I saw your picture in one of the picture holders. It had the funniest effect on me. I didn’t want to close up my wallet and put it away so I stuck it up in front of me and left it there while I finished my work. Stupid, huh, I don’t know what got into me. 

From the looks I’d say you were getting a long letter if I write some more tomorrow nite. As you can see, I feel quite lonesome tonight and its only Tuesday. Well, I guess I’ll have to go to bed. I better get a letter from you tomorrow. Be Good and I’ll add maybe 4 more pages tomorrow. Should I?



Wed. Jan 14, 1948


I seem to have another sheet of paper to write on. Boy, will you owe me a big letter next week. 

I got you letter today with Tom’s!!! address on it. I’ll have you know that my room is number 46 not 66. I guess I know where I stand. You write to me but you are thinking of Tom all the time. Oh, my poor disallusioned heart. How could you be so cruel. And all this time I had believed that it was I you loved, not my friend. I’ll be home this weekend and you can make it up to me O.K.

You told Bill you wouldn’t go, huh. May I ask why or is it too personal. I’m glad you did but, heck, you don’t want to stay out of anything in school activities or the like because of me. (That statement was made on the assumption that you said no because of me.) Anyway, just do what you really want to do and I’ll be satisfied (or at least I won’t say anything, I won’t guarantee my jealous feelings because I just can’t do much about them.) I guess this isn’t making much sense but I tried. 

I think I have bad news about that sweatshirt. I’m afraid that there are no mediums left. I may find one though. 

Congratulations on our anniversary. Long may it reign. As I said before I was looking through your letters and I also noticed how long it was from our first date up to now. As you say, it seems longer than 3 months but of course you must realize that we have had to wait a whole week between meetings which makes the time pass much slower than it should. For me it does anyway. 

When is your vacation in Feb., anyway. We have from about the 7th or earlier (depending on test dates) to the eleventh.

That dream of yours interests me very much. I wish you would tell me about it when I get home. I’d like to know what you call “terrific.” Something that concerns me, I hope. I haven’t had too many dreams about you except for daydreams. I do that all the time. 

I’d be very glad to have some of your fudge. In fact I may come to see you some time just to get a sample of your cooking. 

Well I’m nearing the end sweetheart, this has probably bored you stiff but I enjoyed writing it and I know I’d enjoy this long from you. As a matter of fact I really want one. I’m selfish where your concerned. Well, times up. Be good. 

[Drawn musical notes] Always,


P.S. Look for me Friday after the game.