Letter 15 – Jan. 13, 1948

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Tuesday, Jan 13, 1948 

I wish it was Friday


I like those enthusiastic greetings, don’t you? I hope you realize why I put the dates on my letters now. It’s so when you are old and grey you can look back on your letters and remember when….

I forgot to ask about your sweatshirt size so I still don’t know. I may have to get a small one anyway ‘cause the mediums are gone I think. Of course, you aren’t very big so it will probably fit you anyway. 

We found out how to score our Chem test today so my 75 is an 83 ⅓ rank in the books. Gee, I’m smart. (ha) A lot of fellows got 90 and over. Oh, well as long as I get a B in the test I’m not kicking. [?]

I have a little order for you. I want 2 (two) pictures of you, understand. I don’t want excuses either. If you can do it, so can I (typical male reaction, you know.) (Time for supper)

Hi honey, just finished studying and its only 10:30 for a change so maybe I’ll get a fair letter to you this time. Oh, before I forget, will you answer this if you get it in time. I’ll answer yours if you get one here in time. Of course, your letters don’t really mean anything to me. I just like to answer then you know. 

We had a training film in Military Training today on V.D.. It’s a new type of film. During the war they showed everything and the worst cases were used as examples. In this picture, it told a story about a returned soldier and how his contacts during the war ruined his wife’s reproduction organs and broke up his marriage etc. It didn’t give any gory or spicy details about anything. I guess they are using the psychological approach instead of trying to scare the men. Very interesting. That was just something to take up space so if you don’t think its very nice to write about, please forgive me.

Did you kick me out early enough last Sat. nite. I hope so, but I really hated to go as you may have noticed. I wonder if you felt the same way I did. When I got home, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I felt slightly lost, dazed or something. Such a time! Ha, the radio just started playing Vaughn’s “My How the time goes by.” Such a life. I’ll be as bad as my roomate if I’m not careful. Tsk, tsk, what an awful situation that would be. 

Just think, its only Monday and I seem to be missing you already. I don’t know what’s the matter with me. Spring fever, I guess. What do you think it is. This letter is getting out of hand so I guess I’ll close. Oh, by the way, are you going to that sleigh ride Sat.? Also is there a game Friday. If there is a game I’ll see you after its over if it O.K. with you. I’m coming home Friday so I want to see you at least one night. It’s 11:10 so food night little one,

Words are inadequate,
