Letter 14 – Jan. 6, 1948

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Tuesday nite 8:20 P.M.

Good evening,

This is agent J.M. reporting to his commanding officer for orders and hoping they will bring him closer to the officer he loves.

That’s that. How the heck are you, beautiful? I haven’t seen you since – – let me see, way back last Sunday evening. I’ll bet you’ve missed me (such conceit!)

I’ve got good news tonite. My mother found my pictures so I’ll give one to you this weekend. I went into the store yesterday and guess what! All kinds of sweat shirts. Now I want to know if you wanted small or medium.

Are you going to the game Friday? I hope not ‘cause I’d like to see you. (natch) I think my mother will be in Lewiston Friday so I can get home quite easily.

Gee, ‘m running out of conversation already. I’ve got to study for a test in Mech. drawing tomorrow morning so after this letter is finished I will have to get back to business. 

I wish I could think of something to write. I hope I get a letter from you tomorrow because I need it. (nuff said?)

Did you get up for school Monday morning?  I hope you did cause if you didn’t your mother probably gave you h- – -. I’m beginning to think she’s not going to like me if I keep it up. Making you stay out so late and making a physical wreck out of you. Tell her forgive me. People are beginning to bother me. Manchi [?] is fooling around and telling everyone that you are a homly [?] old – – – – well, you can guess. It isn’t good. I’m not kidding either. If I were you I wouldn’t even speak to that character any more. I’m beginning not to like him, myself. Honest, the things he says aren’t fit to write. I don’t know what his mother would say. I won’t write any more until its more private around here.

I don’t know why, but I keep wanting to write a thing called a love letter, but you know I don’t think I’m the type, besides I’m bashful. 

Well its 9:45 no so I’ll have to close. I’ll see you Friday I hop, or Sat. nite at least. Goodnite, er – – – – well goodnite. 

[Drawn musical notes] Goodnite Sweetheart


P.S. I’d say it but I’d rather tell you myself.