Letter 18 – Jan. 21, 1948

“I should be studying my Trig for a test tomorrow too, but as usual you are in the way. But then its the right way as far as I’m concerned. I’d much rather write to you than study. Darn you! You always get me started on some affectionate talk even if I’m in a bad mood. I wish I could go for a walk with you right now. I think I’d feel much better.”

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Letter 17 – Jan. 18, 1948

“Heck, I don’t know what the matter is with me. I don’t know whether you realize it or not but this is getting more and more serious. At least I think so and I hope you do. Things are beginning to creep up on us. I don’t mean what you think I mean, either. I don’t mean only the physical aspects, but mainly the little four letter word.”

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