Letter 12 – Dec. 15, 1947

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Tues. no, Monday

Hi little one,

I’m running out of names to call you as you probably have noticed. I hope you have written me at least two letters by the time you get this. But I want 3 (three) before the week is over. 

We’re getting ranks tomorrow, I think so I can tell you the bad news in my next letter. 

Before I forget it (I did Sat. nite, but then, who wouldn’t forget things then). If we go to the Telephone [?] Ball Friday night you’ll want some flowers (and I want you to have them), but!! — we don’t know if we’re going. Ack such a predicament. The only thing I can think of is that if you decide to go, to order them yourself, and I’ll foot the bill, or if Bill is going he can get them if you let him (he?) or Freddy know. Anyway, I’ll bet you figure it out, just be sure you get what you want if we go.

I’ve just finished tonights studying but my week has not yet begun. I have a prelim tomorrow in Algebra. Thursday I have prelims in Physics, Chemistry, and Trig. All in one day!! I need a whole nite to study Chemistry, and one to study Physics but I guess I’ll have to do it all at once. My poor ranks. Also we have a class theme to write Wed. and another Friday. He won’t even tell us the subjects until we get into class. What a week! I guess they want to make sure we appreciate our vacation.

Wish I could think of something to say but I’m all out of conversation except the private kind which I don’t like to have you know just yet (I’ll let you guess) But please don’t jump to conclusions like you did Sat. night. You know what I mean, you said the reason I went out with you was for the X’s I got out of it. That I don’t like, but let’s not worry about that. (Please excuse the poor grammar.)

Heck, I wish I could think of something to talk about. I hope I get a letter from you tomorrow ‘cause I really do look for them, you know. They are more important than you think. Well its time to go.

Did your mother say anything to you for the time you pulled in Sat? I should have let you go sooner (ha) but didn’t know.

[Drawn musical notes] You Were Temptation [Did he mean the earnest version or the spoof version?]
