Letter 11 – Dec. 9, 1947

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Dec. 9, 1947

Hi jerk,

I don’t see why I have to write to you tonight. I just mailed you a letter this morning. Oh well, I just love to write letters to you anyway. Besides if I write it tomorrow night you might not get it until Sat. morning. (I wish I could write straight across this thing.)

I got your letter this morning which pleased me to no end, but your explinations were a little confusing. In the first place I have not told anybody what goes on between us. In the second place, what does that have to do with giving yourself credit. I guess I’ll have to have another talk with you sometime. I don’t know who you are talking about, either, concerning this “sly grin” stuff. Don’t let it bother you (I’m sure you don’t) ‘cause I just don’t do things that way. 

About the jealousy angle, I don’t think I was talking about anyone in particular, just me and my own faults in that field. We’ll have a good time talking one of these days. 

Boy, are you conceited about that dance. Who said I would go with you? I just said I would consider it. Tsk, tsk, such conceit. Of course, you haven’t even asked me if I would go, you just asked me to consider it, if I remember correctly. 

I imagine I’ll be home Friday nite so if you go to the Mex. dance, please don’t make any rash promises to the “boys” cause I’d like to take you home, at least. If you want me to, that is. I’ll see you anyway. You can count on that unless I’m snowed in. 

I really haven’t much more to talk about but I’ll try to finish, (That line is getting old.) You know, I’m kind of foolish. I see you every weekend but I write to you twice a week anyway. You’d think that I hadn’t seen you for 2 months or something. Oh well, it gives me something to do. Just as if I didn’t have any studying.

I wish you had said those other things that you could have said but didn’t. It would make me very happy, I assure you. 

What a life, only Tuesday and it seems as if it should be Friday. Darn you, you make me want the weeks to go too fast so I can see you. (Ha – please take that the way you want it, the way it’s written [tried but can’t make out the last word])

[Musical notes drawn] What Are You Doing New Years,


P.S. Be Good