Letter 10 – Dec. 8, 1947

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[Inside the letter was a 1944 penny and on the back of one of the pages a note: “Enclosed is the penny on the windshield. It fell off Sun. morning.” You can see the penny and note in the letter scans.]

Mon. nite 6:45 P.M.

Dear Miss McKinney,

Someone has requested me to write you a letter saying that they thought you might get some enjoyment out of it, so I thought I might send you one expressing my sincere good wishes as to your health, state of mind, and other things to numerous to mention. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for being such a wonderful partner at the dance the other night. I couldn’t ask for anyone better. In fact, I’ve been giving serious thought the question and have decided to ask you for a date next Sat. night. Would you do me the pleasure of accepting? It would please me very much if you would.

Whew, you don’t know how hard it is for a bashful boy like me to ask a girl for a date. It took a lot of will power to ask for that one because I’m so afraid that you might say no. (You’d better not!)

By the way, I didn’t find your mitten in the car. I looked all over the place for it but —- no mitten.

Did your mother say anything of interest about your being slightly late Sat. night? I hope not because I really didn’t mean to keep you out so late but —- Ah, such a life. It’s a good thing it wasn’t early when things started or you’d have had all my secrets, opinions, and all your questions answered. (Maybe.) But enough of this talk. 

Is there a dance in Mexico Friday night? [Mexico is a town in Maine next to Rumford.] If there is, are you going? Oh, Edmund wants me to tell you to tell Beverly that if there is a dance at Mexico and if you are going to tell her to go and he will meet her over there or something like that. When you answer this letter (make it soon) tell me if she says O.K. so he will know whether to go or not. 

I’m running out of words again so don’t be surprised at the short length of this letter. If I can’t write anymore I’ll mail it anyway so that you can answer it. Nice of me isn’t it. 

I suppose I could write about how much I – er —- Oh well, you wouldn’t be interested, I don’t suppose.

I got my rank in my English and Algebra tests today. I got 77 in Algebra which wasn’t as bad as I expected. In English I got 92. Just one other guy in our class got that high but guess what?They call from 94-99 A’s 85 to 93 B’s and 70 to 85 C’s. The dogs, I couldn’t get an A in English if I got 100. Oh well, they probably figured the test was too easy if I got that high. Well, well, here I am at the end of page and still going strong. 

I don’t know why I’ve started this one. I’ll never finish it. Let’s see, what can I write to such a girl as you.

You know, after I left you Sat. night, it was the first time I agreed with the Dodge builders when they say it’s “the sweetest car afloat.” I seemed to float all the way home. (Original, don’t you think.) (No? Well at least it’s a nice thought.) Well after I got home my Aunt + Uncle and Mr + Mrs Smith were still there so I stayed up with them and then took the Smiths home. I didn’t get to bed till about 2:15, no wonder I get sleepy. 

I would have written to you last night but I had a lot of work to do and didn’t have time. Just doing my work I got to bed at quarter of one. 

Well, I’ve got to do some studying now, even though I’d rather think of you. 

Be Good, answer soon,

[Musical notes drawn] I Can’t Begin to Tell You,


P.S. I begining to wonder who I think I’m kidding when I write these letters.