Letter 9 – Dec. 3, 1947

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Wed. nite 10:10

Hi beautiful,

It seems to me that Ijust finished one letter to you not so long ago. You had better answer it, or else.

So you’re glad you were with me Friday nite, huh. Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m glad too, for your sake as well as mine. (I don’t mean to be concieted.) As it was we both had a very nice time (at least I did) and we have no regrets (I hope). Enough of that.

I wonder why your mother wants you in at 12? I can’t imagine why. I never kept you out late. Oh well, I’ve been expecting that to happen anyway because it has been pretty late. From now on it shall be 12 on the dot. Hmm, that doesn’t sound so good does it. It cuts out at least an hour on every date.Tsk, tsk. I guess we’ll just have to crowd more into our time, that should prove interesting to say the least.

About your Christmas club check. A car will do because then I can take you with me, which would be much more satisfactory than flying around alone. You can see that I am also feeling a little bit affectionate? tonite, but then, I feel that way every nite when I think of you. Wow, anymore of that an you will begin to think I’m kiding you again so I’ll stop now. 

About that dance you were telling me about. I’m sure I might consider it if you ask me. By the way, how formal is it, and who is crazy enough to put on the dance? By how formal I mean semi-formal or do I have to dress up too? Well you can tell me about it later anyway. 

You and you @*!?@ shorthand. I wish you would translate it for me. I’d like to know what you say to me, you know it makes things so much more interesting 

Since you were just wondering if I was coming home this weekend, I’ll tell you just to take up space. I am. I guess I’ll get home Friday nite sometime. If I do, I may go to the dance just to see if there is some cute girl around that I can pick up.

Please don’t give up hope on my picture. You’ll get it sometime (even if you are old and grey.) No kidding though, you should remind me when I’m home to get it for you, or at least pick out whether you want the (smile drawing) or (frown drawing) one. I hope you understand me. I’m not the best artist in the world, just one of the best. (Ouch, such corn). Got to close. 

Be Good,

(Musical notes drawn) My How the Time Goes By

P.S. Do you know the words to that. Very appropriate.

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