Letter 8 – Nov. 30, 1947

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(Note on a back page visible when you pull the letter from the envelope: I got some new envelopes & paper so you won’t get any more thick letters but just as much writing in the little ones anyway. Now you can turn this over and read.)

Sun nite.

Hi Honey,

The space is for all the things I could say if I wasn’t so bashful, I could tell you about how much I wish I could be home with you and al that kind of stuff, but I won’t. I’ll just leave it blank. You can fill it in to your own heart’s desire and it might even come true. (If you think the right things, that is.)

I’ll bet you’ll be surprised to see this, but I want to get another letter from you so I’m writing this. It’s purely a selfish notion as you can readily see. But thats all right, if it gets results its worth it. I don’t know how long this will be but I’ll get on to the next page anyway. 

Oh, by the way, its morning now. I went to bed about three two sentences ago.Now I’m listening to the radio and thinking of… studies? (no) .. you of course.

I didn’t say that just right but you get the general idea.

Did your mother say anything about the late early hours Sun. morning. I hope not. If she did just say it was one of those things that couldn’t be helped and of course she’ll understand. Probably too well. Hmmm….

Well the bell for my first class just rang so I’ll finish later. Be good.

Hi again, I guess I won’t get this out before Tuesday morning but I still expect an answer to this one Friday so please don’t make me feel bad by not answering this. My poor overworked heart might break into little pieces if you’re not careful. (Now you can wonder if I said that with a smile or a serious poker face.)

Well I got back my chemistry test and I squeezed in a 76 or C which isn’t so hot. I was hoping I might get an A in Chemistry but I can’t now. Oh wll, maybe later. We have three four mid-semester exams left: English, Algebra, Military Training, and Trig. It seems to me that all we do around here is take tests. 

Wish I could write more but if I do I won’t have anything to say in my next letter so I guess I’ll hang up. I just got a Physics lab experiment to write up and do some calculations on so I’ll be busy for the next 3 or 4 hours if its as tough as they say it is. Be very, very good – – – – –

That’s my Desire (drawn musical notes)


PS By the way it’s Mon. nite now. Oh, they have some sweatshirts in but they are all large. Do you want me to get one or wait until some Med. ones come. Answer in next letter.