Letter 5 – Nov. 9, 1947

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Sunday night

11:20 P.M.

Hello Sweetheart,

Please (execuse) excuse the business envelope. I’m up to to my old tricks again, borrowing that is. (Look at that, just writing to you and I misspell the second word and repeat myself like a little high school boy, ha.)

I really shouldn’t write a long letter to you, but I will seeing its you, and after all, you are the important one to me you know. (Figure that out, do you think that is too complicated for your simple (no offense) little mind.) By the way, please answer this as soon as possible so I can write another letter to you this week so that you will owe me a letter next Mon. I like it better that way because I can write to you better if I have just received a letter from you. Understand?

Now let me see, ——- what can I write about. Oh yes, my test ranks. Reports so far as follows: Physics 80, Mechanical drawing 84, English 81, Algebra 87, Trig. 100 and Chemistry should be in the 90’s unless I made some foolish mistakes like I did in Algebra and Physics. The ranks aren’t bad but I could have done much better if I had been on the ball. i don’t mean that to be conceited but they were easy tests and I know all the answers but I just didn’t think, you know how that is.

Enough of that, it sounds like I’m making excuses but it just makes me so mad to think about it.

I’m glad you told me about the baton, but I’d still like a little more information, but I suppose we’ll have to wait until one of us has a weak moment and confesses all. There are times when I came to close for comfort. When I say close I mean in words, not oh —— just the thought of it. Oh well, such is life.

You know, I’m running out of words. I’ll try to write some more though so don’t go away.

Just got an inspiration, my picture. I get so wrapped up in you I keep forgetting it. I have and idea. If I see you Friday night, (I hope), remind me to bring my picture when I see you Sat. night. Providing I make a date with you that is, but I don’t have a hell of a lot of doubt in my mind about that.

Well it’s 11:40 now so I’ve really got to go, up at 6:45 you know, but then, you were never up that early so you wouldn’t know, would you.

Be extra good,

I wonder, I wonder, I wonder,


P.S. Don’t forget to write back a soon as possible. So long –