Letter 4 – Oct. 29, 1947

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Bdl 17, Room 46

U. of M. Brunswick Campus

Oct 29, 1947

Dear Thelma,

How do you like that for an introduction? Original, huh? I’ll take the bite. (of apple that is.)

So you made a new resolution huh. Well, all I can say is that with one guess I could pretty well say what it is. As I said before, you can’t depend on me to help you keep your resolves. (I’m prejudiced.) Besides you have a mind of your own and if you can’t do what you want to or get away from what you don’t want to do, I feel sorry for you. Complicated, huh. Well you know what I mean.

Damn your shorthand. You had better tell me what it means or else.

I went out fighting fires Tuesday. We had to get up at 3 A.M. and we were out all day and didn’t get back until after midnight. What a long day, 21 hours work.

Oh, by the way, they are out of sweatshirts right now but they may get some in before Friday. If they do I’ll get you one, if they don’t I’ll change up the 2 bucks for profit and forget about it, O.K.?

If you thought my compliment sounded fishy you should see what I think of yours. Please forgive me but I really cannot believe that you are home pining away for me. If it’s really that bad I’ll come home and comfort you because I hate to see you waste away into nothing.

In return for the thank you which you gave me for dragging you around — you’re welcome. (notice that spelling — college you know) I’d be glad to do it anytime. You know, just for something to do. Ouch, don’t hit me I really didn’t mean it.

Oh, before you forget about it I want to hear about Nonies baton so don’t go mysterious on me.

Are you going to the game Friday, if there is one? That’s a silly questions. Of course you’ll go. Maybe I’ll see you there if you behave yourself and if I go, along with several other “ifs” to numerous to mention.

I’m glad you had such a romantic setting for my letter, it made it much more interesting.

Well, if I want to mail this I’ve got to close now cause classes are starting.

See you
