Letter 3 – Oct. 21, 1947

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Bdl 17, rm 46

U of M, Brunswick, Campus

Brunswick, Maine

Oct 21, 1947

(That’s enough)

Hi you — (I haven’t the heart to say it),

Please forgive the speed with which I’m replying. I just couldn’t wait any longer to write to you. (Pretty good start, huh.)

First, I’ll give you hell for writing in shorthand. You know as well as I do that nobody could read that around here. You had better tell me what you said or I’ll consider it an insult. (Imagine that!)

Was that apple you were eating one you had in the car? Oh, I gave Nonie’s baton to her myself. I was going to use it an an excuse to see you but I didn’t have the time. (or the nerve.)

I’ve had quite a day today. We had a nice football game this morning (touch, that is) in phys. ed. and two guys had to be taken out of the game for injuries. Such easy going players we are. (Ha) Then I had classes until 1 o’clock. After that all classes were cancelled to fight a forest fire about 1/4 mile away which was (such yelling) threatening the campus. We came G.D. near being burned out of this place. What a time, carrying fire extinguishers and hoses into the woods. They had bulldozers and everything else out there digging up the woods to stop the fire. It’s still burning now (7:45) but it’s under control, unless the wind comes up again. We may not have classes tomorrow if the fires get bad enough around here. I guess it’s very bad around Kennebunkport. The radio just said the town is all ablaze.

About that sweat shirt, I can’t get it this week because you got me so flustered Sat. nite + Sun. morning that I forgot to bring any money back with me. I have about $1.50 to my name down here.

By the way, Tom tells me you sent him a picture of yourself. Well, I like that!!! Don’t you think my morale needs lifting too? Loosen up! Send me one, too (Or maybe, one, two.)

(Blotted out words) Blot, blot, blot, that’s all I do. I make the prettiest letters

So you get along very well at the dances without us college men, huh. My poor ego dropped 90% when I read that. How could you say such a thing. You know you just lived in order to dance with us and talk to us. (Don’t let the “us” fool you. I’m just being broadminded.) I may go to the dances Fri. + Sat. nite if I come home. I hate the municipal building though.

About cleaning my room, it wouldn’t be dirty work if I helped you, would it. Such a conceit.

I hope you appreciate the time I put into these letters. It took me 3 hrs to do this one. No kidding. It’s a work of art. It’s 9:45 now so I better get studying or you’ll ruin my ranks. Be good and don’t forget 4 pages at least.

So long beautiful,
