Letter 2 – Oct. 14, 1947

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Oct. 14, 1947

Hi Jerk,

Pardon the introduction but you know I’m just fooling around.

I got your letter yesterday and I could say that I enjoyed it very much, but I don’t think I will. (you might get conceited).

I’m just sitting here waiting for my eight o’clock class to begin. What an easy life! (Ha) I stayed up till quarter of one last night studying. That gave me about 6 hours sleep. I hope I don’t have to do that every night. Oh well, there’s nothing else to do around here except study so I might as well.

Before I forget it I want to correct a statement you made in your letter. You said you saw me at the game and I didn’t even notice you. Well in the first place I didn’t see you at the game but I did after the game and you didn’t even (notice me) look at me except to say (sigh) hi. (such yelling) What a disappointment you turned out to be!! Oh well, I suppose I should talk.

Well, gotta go to class, I’ll see you when I get back (or rather I’ll finish up later.)

Here I am again after a couple classes and I’m still as good as new (How good that is is doubtful.)

You asked me if I went to all the games. I have so far and I intend to see all of them if possible. I just go because if I do I might see you. (That’s my confession) Now I know what you’ll say. Such a line. Well, as I said before that all depends on how you look at it. I’ll let it go at that. (Going to dinner – back later)

Don’t go away, I’m back again. (I’ll finish this thing damn thing if it takes all week.)

Come to think of it my letters must seem awful silly at times, but then, so am I. Please excuse my foolishness and childish chatter, I’m just not grown up yet. (Thank God)

You remember you said you wouldn’t mind being down here? Well, I wish you were too — I’d ask you to make my bed and clean up my room. (Flattery, my biggest asset) I need a good housekeeper.

Well, I’m here on the last page with the end in sight. My, my, I’m getting pretty good. This is my own paper too. Before I forget it I want to at least 4 pages = to mine in your next letter. That’s an order! (You will write, I hope.)

Tell me, what do you do at all the dances and social activities without us college men. I bet you’re lonesome. (What a laugh.)

How is school this year anyway? Any changes, pretty girls (new, I mean) or teachers. Just think one of these grand and glorious days you too will become an alumni. What a thrill!!!!?

Well, that’s enough nonsense for now. I’ll see you sometime if you bother to notice me.

Be good,


P.S. Who says I don’t run out of words. The trouble with me is I don’t have enough of the right ones.