Letter 1 – Oct 8, 1947

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Oct 8, 1947

U. of M. Campus

Brunswick, Maine

Bldg 17 Rm 46

Hi beautiful,

I’m going to write a letter for only two reasons. 1) Because I have nothing better to do, and 2) to let you know that I still am going to give you my picture. I know (?) you won’t hold my insults against me. Besides, I can’t let Tom get ahead of me writing to girls, you in particular.

You ought to be down here. There’s more beautiful men than you could get tired of in 50 years time. More damn fun!! (For girls, that is.) I told you that picture always made a good topic of conversation. I’m going to send it to you quite soon now, I think. I’m going to write something on it first thought, and right now I’m at a complete loss for words. Never think that I’m too lazy because you know that’s not true since we both understand each other perfectly. (That’s what you say.) Hi Beautiful How’s the world using you. Don’t mind that crap. That’s one of my roommates who got ambitious when I was called out of the room just now.

Boy, what an easy life; we sleep from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. and all we do the rest of the time is study.

I don’t know whether to expect an answer to this or not so I won’t ask any questions about anything. (But you better write.) I’ll see you sometime.

Be Good, Jim

P.S. I’d write more but I only borrowed one piece of paper.