Letter 12 – Dec. 15, 1947

“Wish I could think of something to say but I’m all out of conversation except the private kind which I don’t like to have you know just yet (I’ll let you guess) But please don’t jump to conclusions like you did Sat. night. You know what I mean, you said the reason I went out with you was for the X’s I got out of it. “

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Letter 11 – Dec. 9, 1947

“You know, I’m kind of foolish. I see you every weekend but I write to you twice a week anyway. You’d think that I hadn’t seen you for 2 months or something. Oh well, it gives me something to do. Just as if I didn’t have any studying.”

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Letter 10 – Dec. 8, 1947

“I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for being such a wonderful partner at the dance the other night. I couldn’t ask for anyone better. In fact, I’ve been giving serious thought the question and have decided to ask you for a date next Sat. night. Would you do me the pleasure of accepting? It would please me very much if you would.”

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Letter 9 – Dec. 3, 1947

“I wonder why your mother wants you in at 12? I can’t imagine why. I never kept you out late. Oh well, I’ve been expecting that to happen anyway because it has been pretty late. From now on it shall be 12 on the dot. Hmm, that doesn’t sound so good does it. It cuts out at least an hour on every date.”

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