Letter 27 – Feb. 25, 1948

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Feb. 25, 1948

Wed. evening 10:10 to be exact.

Hi cutie,

[Drawn arrow pointing to the word cutie.] That word doesn’t look right does it. Since I wrote that last line I have been doodling. That piece of paper is the result. Perfect picture of my mind. 

You know something? I love you an awful lot for a little boy. 

As far as I know I’ll be home Friday nite. If I am I’ll go to the game and pick you up. Wolf, huh?

I can’t think of anything to write. I must be getting stale in the mind with nothing to say.

Oh yes, a funny thing happened to me Monday nite. I had a dream about you and me. I think it was just about like yours only you were just as aggresive (?) as I was. Very interesting even if somewhat disturbing. Pardon me while I get some ink. I think I’m running out. Bye.

Back again the same day. Still love me? I thought so. That can be taken two ways so don’t call me conceited. 

My mother says we must be crazy going to Rangley on such icy roads. It wasn’t very icy, that’s what I told her anyway. I guess maybe I should have gone a little slower though, oh well, nothing happened. 

Did you know that it’s 11:15 now, over an hour and I still love you, oops that’s not what I mean to say but come to think of it I guess I do at that. 

So your mother thinks that we’ve gotten worse now, huh. How did she know? It must be the way you ta1lk in your sleep. 

I really can’t think of any more to write so I guess I’ll have to close. I’ll see you Friday. You know, a thought just came to me. Life has changed a little. I used to come home home to spend the time between weeks of studying but now I just study as something to do between weekends. Thats getting a little balled up but maybe you’ll get the idea. Anyway, I love you sweetheart, more and more as time goes on, too. I wonder if it will ever stop?
