Letter 22 – Feb. 1, 1948

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Sun. Feb 1, 1948


I like my spelling don’t you? I’ve just eaten the next to the last piece of your fudge. It’s getting a little hard now but it is still good enough for me. Nate says not to send any more until he recuperates from the last batch, but I will take some anytime and I wouldn’t be surprised if he ate a little himself. 

I’ve just been looking at your new picture. I like it more every time I look at it. You know, You’ve pretty cute for a little girl. Mmmm – such a nice cute little girl. Nineteen years old, too. I sometimes wonder how old our minds are. It would clear up a lot of questions in my mind right now. You know what I mean, I think. It has something to do with how old our little private doggie is. Do you catch, now? I knew you would, you’re so understanding. That question really bothers me at times. Do you ever think about it from a purely objective standpoint, that is. Think it over, it’s very interesting but I’m afraid the answer lies in that abstract quantity called time. Oh well, we can have a lot of fun (if you want to call it that, I have to call it something) waiting. Please give me a few of your views in your letter that you are going to write to me Tuesday night. Them’s orders, pal, friend and companion (is that all?)

Gee, I’m beginning to get a little apprehensive about those doggone tests. English is going to be very tough so they tell me around here. I think (In fact, I know) I should have stayed here this weekend. I’m glad I went home, though, it was worth the trouble it may cause. 

I didn’t tell you that you looked very nice last night, did I? Well, you did and I’m sorry I didn’t mention it while I was with you because I very seldom give compliments and when I do I like to say them in person. 

Did I tell you that I would call you up Thursday. I think I did, In fact I know I did. I will anyhow. Probably it will be around eight. 

I’m really running out of words darling, so I hope you’ll forgive me if I end this a little short. I’ll try and do better Tuesday if I get a letter from you. 

Goodnight beautiful, and if you must dream please dream about me ‘cause I love it. 



P.S. Kisses, too.