Letter 7 – Nov. 22, 1947

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Sat. nite


Hellow dope,

I couldn’t think of anything to call you so please forgive the dope. I spelled [arrow pointing to Hellow] that way because I think it looks better that way. Besides I’m so tired I can’t see straight. We played football all afternoon without spoping stoping (see what I mean) and I’m not used to such exercise, but its fun anyway.

I went into town tonight but nothing was going on. All the pretty girls were escorted or had had their mothers tell them about us college boys. Oh well, I’m too young anyway. (To go out with girls, that is.) I think I should have gone home. I kind of miss a certain friend of mine, you know, its kind of surprising, the moods I get in when I begin to feel that I’m getting lonesome for a girl. Not mentioning any names, of course. Well, I just wanted to write you before I went to bed. It’s funny to listen to the radio music on a Sat. night with all kinds of lights on and sitting here with my roommate. I’d much rather be with you. Ah, I must watch myself, I’ll talk to much. Please forgive my writing, spelling, etc. but I’m really tired. Goodnight beautiful, see you Wed. Maybe I’ll write some more on this tomorrow when I’m not so romantically inclined. Be good tonight (thats for my own personal morale. I keep telling myself you always are. Oh shut up, McLean, go to bed. O.K you’re the boss. Goodnight baby, (can’t pronounce it right).

Well, here’s that man!? Again and it is now 11:20 P.M. Sunday. Boy, am I lame; ande guess what? Today I went and played football. What a jerk I am. 

I got my pre-lim ranks in Physics and Algebra Friday. I took the tests Thursday. They really work fast correcting them. I got an A in Physics (about a 93 or 95) and a 94 in Algebra. Pretty good, huh. I hope I can keep it up, but I doubt it. 

Well, well another page. You must be quite a girl for a (nice boy?) like me to write this much too. Don’t you think so. I do. 

I should go to bed you know, but I’ll try and get to the bottom of the page which would just about equal 4 pages of my other paper (it’s all gone.)

I heard from Sam Dyer has his car down here, I hope I can get a ride home Wed. with him. It would simplify matters very much. By the way, if you can get a letter back to me before Wed. afternoon, (your last one arrived Friday morning) write and tell me what’s going on over Thanksgiving. Thank you, I knew you would, but I don’t think you can get back to tell the truth.   

Gee, I just noticed my roommates letters. He writes every night to his girl. He must have it bad. He even numbers them so if two arrive at the same time she knows which one to read first. The funny part is, she writes back just as often. Well, time and words are running out. Oh heck, another page. 

About your two bucks, I haven’t forgotten but the shirts just haven’t come in yet (grrrr). If you are not completely satisfied, your money will cheerfully be refunded.

I hope you behaved yourself like a lady at the social Friday nite. I was very good Friday, Sat. and Sun. nites. (No choice to be otherwize.)

Well, I really must get my beauty sleep. Trig. test tomorrow and Chemistry test Tuesday. 

[Drawings of musical notes.]I’ll See You in My Dreams,

Hold you in my arms???

Jim (the jerk)

P.S. Don’t mind the corny endings. I just try to be a little different but I usually end up looking silly. Be good and I’ll see you soon, I hope.