Letter 6 – Nov. 17, 1947

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Hi beautiful,

I suppose this will be a day late, but I had a lot more work than I figured last night.

I really haven’t much to say right now. Nothing has happened worth telling about since Sat. night. I got a them back with a B- on it! I’m improving. This week’s them is on Russia, that’s a great subject, except I know nothing at all about it.

I don’t think I’ll be home this weekend because noone else is and I have a lot of work to do before vacation. Do you think you can stand not seeing me over the weekend? If you really can’t I’ll come home, just for you. Of course I may not be able to stand it either, so may be home anyway,— but I doubt it. You behave yourself anyway. Don’t let too many wolves come too close. (In fact, not any would suit me fine.)

I’ve been over doing my mechanical drawing tonight. It’s a funny thing, but every time I drew a curve, I thought of you. Strange isn’t it? (Oh, I don’t know about that.) Pardon the vulgarity but it was a good joke, anyway. Just the same I did think of you, particularly when the wind blew hard. You know that makes feel, as if you should be in a corner with a fire and a girl, or in my case, you. Wow, that’s enough of that. I’m too young and bashful, anyway.

Damn, I can’t think of anything to say. I’m speechless!!!

I should be going to bed anyway, so I think I will. I’ll finish this in the morning after a night’s dreams of you. (Boy, my line is getting better.) Well, I guess I’ll turn in and kiss your picture goodnite and go to sleep. (I’m not that far gone but it sounds good, anyway.) If you can’t make any sense out of this, don’t feel bad, it’s just that the thoughts of you sort of confuse my mind. Oh well, such is life. Goodnite.

(zzzz and drawing of saw cutting a log.)
(Drawing of a sunrise.)

Hi sweetheart. I’m up washed, and have eaten and it’s still only 7:30 A.M. Well I still can’t think of much to say. Have you any suggestions? If you have, ship them into the mailbox addressed to J.O. McLean, U of M Brunswick Campus, Brunswick, Maine. Of you can always come down and pay him a personal visit. I’m sure he would more than enjoy it. Please forgive this senseless stuff but I’m always that way in the morning. Well, the end of the paper is in sight, so I’ll begin to sign off. Please answer a soon as possible, so I won’t eat my hear out. See you either this weekend or during vacation. Be very good,
Time waits for no one,

P.S. Still borrowing envelopes.